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  • Writer's picturekisboszorka


Updated: Jul 29, 2019

In the second semester of 2019, we did multiple illustrations. The first assignment was to illustrate a story based on a text that had no actual meaning and was a brain child of a drunken rockstar.

Credit goes to my consulting teacher - Herbszt László.

The second warm up exercise was, to create an illustration based on a short story that was written on a popular website Budapest in 100 words. We each had to chose a story and had to create an illustration that had no story.

Endre Ady's finest poentris

Well loved Hungarian poet and bachelor Endre Ady was a colourful figure of the turn of the century. His work is ofter flamed by deep dark emotions. With these illustrations I amed to capture the elements of his subjects, going in and out of his life as he travelled Europe and found and lost loves and life.

The illustrations were created by digital pencil, and later converted into vector art originally made to illustrate his poetry but also to stand alone as 100x100 cm posters.

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